“Between July 4-7 2023, Carousel Theatre, a company that receives federal, provincial, and municipal funds, hosted a drag camp for children aged 7-14

For a price of $460 to $900, children received their very own drag make-up starter kit and were instructed by drag queens on how to access their “inner confidence” and show their “true colours” for four consecutive days.

“Parents, ask yourself, what’s the difference between what you wear at home versus what you wear at work? You’re doing drag, honey, you just don’t know it!” reads a message from the theatre to parents who may have been considering sending their kids to the drag camp.

Unsurprisingly, a group of concerned citizens, opposed to the state-supported theatre’s cross-dressing kids camp, prepared to peacefully protest against it. Similar protests have been occurring more frequently across the country.” ~ Quote from Rebel News.


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More information at https://www.rebelnews.com/stop_classroom_grooming
More information at https://peoplesworldwar.com/vancouver-theatre-pushes-drag-queen-camp-for-minors-admidst-backlash/#2023

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