Lesbian Tammy Mitchell of Chilliwack, BC supports former trustee Barry Neufeld in his opposition to surgical transitions for youth.

A lesbian from Chilliwack is standing with former school trustee Barry Neufeld in his opposition against transitioning children.
Tammy Mitchell started bumping into Neufeld at rallies in 2022, “fighting for the kids and protecting the innocence of the kids in the school system,” she explained to Western Standard.
Neufeld faces a hate speech complaint from the BC Teachers Federation. While he was still a Chilliwack school trustee in 2017, he said professionals who transition children were guilty of “child abuse.” Mitchell said she agrees.
“I find that Barry Neufeld is a fine gentleman and an honest man. He’s just trying to protect children,” she said.
“If he loses, it’s going to be said that parents are talking hate speech just because they want to protect their kids from what’s going on in the school system right now, from the SOGI (sexual orientation gender identity materials). So I think it’s huge, and I think people should pay attention to this.”
Mitchell founded Gays Against Grooming Canada following unsuccessful attempts to have the U.S. charity Gays Against Groomers to start a Canadian branch.
“An LGB community is not an LGBTQ+ community, because [LGBTQ+ represents] an agenda, [not a community of people]” she said.
“Some homosexuals go “back in the closet” when it comes to publicly expressing opposition to transgender teaching in elementary schools.”
“It’s very hard to get them to speak up, and I’m not really sure why. Maybe because it doesn’t affect them. A lot of them don’t have children.”
Mitchell and her partner have been together for 33 years, but married for 13, with 4 children from previous relationships and now 13 grandchildren.
“That’s why we were so interested, right? Because we want to protect our grandchildren,” she said.
Mitchell alleged foundations fund the trans movement for their own pretentious goals, seizing good intentions but not delivering helpful results.
“It has nothing to do with lesbian, gay, bisexual people. It’s an agenda, just like Black Lives Matter is an agenda–well funded, and didn’t do anything for black people.”
Mitchell said the sexualization of young children was a problem in itself. Whereas a child using sexual language that was beyond their years was a red flag for abuse, now its presence could […] just as easily come from books at school.
“I think it’s to groom the children, so that sex talk and terminology is normal. People won’t notice if they’re being abused in the trans thing. They’re confusing the kids… saying that if they change their body, that will solve all their problems, and they’ll feel better,” Mitchell said.
Mitchell started a second website, ProtectChildhoodInnocence.com, that has an entire section on objectionable books found in the Chilliwack School Division. One book, Identical by Ellen Hopkins, details a father raping his 7-year-old daughter.
In 2023, Chilliwack trustee Heather Maahs told Epoch Times she was “traumatized” from the graphic account, and added, “I cannot imagine what that would do to a child reading it or an adolescent.”
Mitchell cross-sex hormone treatments aren’t reversible and transition surgeries leave children “sterilized,” consequences children may not adequately grasp.
“I like what Danielle Smith said, that we don’t want to force children to make adult decisions as children, that they should be making adult decisions as adults,” Mitchell explained.
“Not even just gay people, but my neighbours, we all feel the same way. We all want this out of the schools. It’s only when I come up against an activist that I hear the [progressive-activism] side of the story, that [the queer activists] want to push that. [I speak out against that..] And that’s when I get called homophobic bigot, which I thought was pretty funny.”
Whereas she used to walk in Pride parades, the trans emphasis has left many in her old community feeling they don’t belong.
“You’d walk past people on Davie Street [in Vancouver] and they’d be like, ‘Happy Pride, Happy Pride. Happy Pride’ Like we don’t even go anymore, not even the adults. None of us go anymore because it’s not Pride anymore. It’s completely been taken over by radical trans queer (RTQ) activists,” Mitchell said.
“I don’t believe in these flags hanging all over the schools. I don’t. The only flag that actually means anything to me is the rainbow Pride flag. The progressive flag that they’re using now is, as far as I’m concerned, it’s just a political agenda.”
Mitchell said the most symbolism she might want to see in school was a little rainbow sticker on a counsellor’s door to know it was a safe place to talk. However, she “absolutely” does not believe that schools should address students by pronouns and names without parents knowing.
Parents of transgender children who believe parental authority is the wrong approach have “been brainwashed by an agenda,” Mitchell says. “And I wish they would stop and listen to the people who speak right instead of the activists.”
The Cass Report on transgender treatment in the UK and the leaked WPATH files on the World Professional Association of Transgender Health are better sources, Mitchell insists.
“[Authorities] closed down the Tavistock Institute in England because they found that it wasn’t saving kids’ lives to be transitioned. And [that transitioning was] causing more suicide, and no one’s listening to the detransitioners,” she said.
“As soon as they don’t follow the activist agenda of being trans, as soon as they decide that they’ve made a mistake, and they don’t want to do that anymore–they lose their friends. They lose their support system, and they’re just left, right? You’re only their friend if you believe in their agenda.”
Mitchell said it’s great that businesses want to support LGB people, but she would rather they use a rainbow flag sticker, which she says is about people, rather than a progressive pride flag, which she says is about an agenda.
Now 60, Mitchell says she has no problem with religious people and finds no harm in saying the Lord’s prayer in school like she did as a child. She thought when gay marriage was legalized, the fight was over and everyone was getting along–unlike today.
“We’d all won our equality, and nobody cared. Nobody cares what you do in your bedroom. The only people who care now are the activists, right? The trans-activists who are making it a big deal and bringing [ideology] back into the forefront, that we all have to know about this, use people’s pronouns… [and such].”
Mitchell says she tries to tell people that LGBTQ+ is an agenda, [and] that LGB is about people, and if [society in general] can’t distinguish that, homosexuals may also feel the consequences.
“We’re the people, and we have nothing to do with that agenda. So I’m really trying to help people understand with language that way, because if we don’t [understand how the activists’ have hijacked our language], the pendulum is going to swing back too far on the people as general society tries to get rid of the trans, queer agenda.”
Information on Barry Neufeld’s Human Rights Case Can Be Found Here